What to do on a Sunday morning...

I usually check the weather forecast on Wednesday for the weekend. Then again on a Thursday to enable me to plan. Then I have another peek at it on Friday morning, then again Friday afternoon...I feel like a teenager constantly checking if I am popular enough on WhatsApp. It’s terrible. However, the offered weather Apps kicking around on the Web are all supposed to do the same...but never do...tell what the weather will be during the next few days. It’s annoying, as some forecast rain and fog, when others actually tell me it will be a weekend indoors due to rain.

I have learnt to rely on my gut feeling and the dew on my roof window. 

I am after moisture...a lot of it. It will give me the ‘oh so desired’ misty mornings coupled with beautiful golden sunrises.

This involves getting up very early these days. (…sigh...).

I sometimes get up at 0400 to be on location before the first sun rays. On occasions I have to catch up on some shut-eye during the afternoons as I will not make it to the next day otherwise.

During the summer months I struggle for interesting compositions. Everything is green and without blossoms. Most plants and especially trees are not in bloom anymore and woodlands are dark and...well...boring. Mist only settles on open areas and hardly ever is found in built up areas or where more than a few trees are located. Lone trees are also not much found anymore as they had to give way to effective farming. They have just been chopped down because they were in the way.

So...the big question: what to shoot?

I have found that it is not the shooting, or even hunting for a significant composition, that is important. I find it far more satisfying to just get out and get some exercise. Naturally I would never leave the house without a camera, but it would be to document my day’s activities and just what I get up to. The really good frames will either ‘jump at me’...or not; and that is OK too. As long as I do not miss a chance by not having a decent lens in front of a camera to capture the moment...its fine.

Today I spent time on a local peak with my Leica MP 0.72 and a roll of Kodak Color Gold 200. I got there before sunrise only to find out that there was no mist, no sun and very flat light. Additionally I also have no images to show yet...as I have to finish the roll first and have it processed. So all I have at the moment...is a shot from my smartphone.

So there...recorded, shot, framed...

But: I have the images which will remind me of a very early morning out and about in nature... as it really was. Yet to find out what the roll of film will produce when I finally get it back from the Lab.

How exciting!?!!!

Long live Film!

But on a Sunday morning…I could have had a lie-in, done some ironing, cleaned the car, done some paperwork or even worked on my archive. I could have even worked on my book which I am determined to finish soon. Dan Milnor has inspired me enough now to actually get it done!

Check out Dan on shifter.media. It’s really…really good stuff!
